Yurtoğlu, Ayda, et al. "Personality perception in human videos altered by motion transfer networks." Computers & Graphics (2024).
As a part of my Senior Research Project, I was the first author of the conference paper, "Personality Perception in Human Videos Altered by Motion Transfer Networks", which was published in Computers & Graphics.
The paper aimed to analyze the effect of movement and physical appearance on the perceived personality of virtual humans with these 3 research questions:
1- Can motion transfer networks alter personality perception in human videos?
2- Do appearance and motion-based cues similarly impact personality expression?
3- Do adjustments made by motion transfer networks influence each personality factor similarly?

Contributions of the conference paper include:  2 user studies on personality perception of videos generated by Thin-plate spline motion model, insights on personality perception of virtual humans:
- Motion and realism play a significant role in perceived personality
- Appearance plays a less significant but visible role
Jabrayilzade, E., Yurtoğlu, A. & Tüzün, E. Taxonomy of inline code comment smells. Empir Software Eng 29, 58 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-023-10425-5
I co-authored the journal paper as the second author, "A Taxonomy Towards Inline Code Comment Smells", which was accepted for publication in Empirical Software Engineering.
The paper proposes a taxonomy of inline code comment smells comprising 11 smell categories and determines how frequently each smell category appears on software projects. 
The two authors manually labeled 2447 inline comments from eight open-source projects (4 Java and 4 Python), conducted an online survey, and opened pull requests to investigate the software engineers' perception of the taxonomy. 

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